Licensing FAQ

Answers: General Questions

What does royalty free mean?

Royalty free means you just need to pay for rights to use the item once per end product. You don't need to pay additional or ongoing fees for each person who sees or uses it.

Please note that there may be some limits placed on uses under the different license types available on the marketplaces, such as our Photo Licenses

Example: If you license a brochure template and create a printed brochure given out for free, you don't need to pay extra for each copy of the brochure you make. If you use a 3d model in a game under an Extended License, you don't need to pay extra each time the game is sold.

What do you mean by item and end product?

The item is what you purchase from ABIII Visuals LLC. The end product is what you build with that item.

Example: The item is a business card template; the end product is the finalized business card. The item is a button graphic; the end product is an app using the button graphic in the app's interface.

What are some examples of permitted end products?

  • You can buy a web template, add your text and images, and use it as your website.

  • You can buy an HTML site template, convert it to WordPress, and use it as your website (but not as a stock template for sale).

  • You can buy a flyer template, modify the text, print a flyer, and hand it out.

  • You can buy a game starter kit, compile it, and put the game on an app store.

  • You can buy a music track and use it in your radio or TV ad.

  • You can buy a sound effect and put it in your game.

  • You can buy an After Effects template, include your own footage, and use it for a show.

  • You can buy a photo to use in a blog post.

  • You can buy a t-shirt template, get it printed on shirts, sell the shirts.

  • You can buy a Photoshop brush, paint a digital painting using the brush, and sell the painting.

  • You can buy a JavaScript gallery, input your own images, and display the gallery on your site.

  • You can buy a 3d model, rig it, animate it, and include it in your game or movie.

Am I allowed to modify the item that I purchased?

Yes. You can customize our items to fit the needs of your end product.

Example: You could change the colors, text, and layout of a flyer template or convert an HTML template into a WordPress theme for a single client.

What does non-exclusive mean?

Non-exclusive means that you are not the only person with access to the item. Others will also be licensing and using the same item.

I'm not sure if my use is covered. What should I do?

Contact us through Support and we'll do our best to help you out.

Answers: Regular & Extended Licenses

What are the main differences between the Regular License and the Extended License?

In simple terms, the main difference is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you've licensed) is distributed for free, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold. Of course, if it was all that simple, we'd have a one sentence license, so please do read the licenses and the rest of these FAQs for more details!

If you're a freelancer, you are allowed to create an end product for a client using the Regular License and charge them for your services - see the FAQ "I'm a freelancer/agency. Can I use the item for an end product I'm doing for a client?" for more information.

Is the Regular License the same thing as an editorial license?

No, our Regular License is for a free end product (whether or not the item is used in the end product in an editorial way). And our Extended License is for an end product that's sold (whether or not the item is used in the end product in an editorial way). If you want to use an item in an editorial way in your end product, choose the Regular License if your end product is distributed for free, and choose the Extended License if your end product is sold to the end customer.

Which license do I need for an end product that is only accessible to paying users?

If the end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended License. There can be more than one end user as long as there is only one end product.

Example: A website that requires money before you can access the content

I am planning to use the item in a product that I will sell. Which license do I need?

If the item is part of a product for sale, you need the Extended License.

Example: A game or t-shirt for sale

Which license do I need for an end product that is freely accessible or freely distributed to users?

As long as the end users can freely access the end product, the Regular License is fine. There can be more than one end-user (the person who uses the end product, such as the end consumer) as long as there is only one, unique end product.

Example: A flyer that you freely give out or a YouTube video that's free to view

I am a commercial entity or run a business. Do I always need an Extended License?

No, just using the item in a commercial setting doesn't necessarily mean you need an Extended License. You need an Extended License if the end product is sold to end users. If the end product is free, even if you are a commercial enterprise, you only need a Regular License.

Example: Even though a web store is commercial, as long as users can access the site itself without having to pay, a Regular License is sufficient.

Do I need an Extended License to use an item in the packaging for a physical end product that I'm selling? What about for advertising for an end product that I'm selling?

No, the Regular License is fine. You only need the Extended License if the item is actually part of the product itself.

Which license do I need for an end product that is free, but has parts you need to pay to access?

If the item is used within the free part, the Regular License if fine. If the item is used only in a part that requires payment to access, you need the Extended License.

Example: If you were using a 3d model of a sword for a game and you could only get the sword by buying it, you'd need the Extended License. If it was the starting weapon that even non-paying users could use, all you'd need is the Regular License.

Which license do I need to use an item in a commercial?

You only need a Regular License where the end product is an advertisement, as the audience does not have to pay to view it. It doesn't matter if the advertisement is for things that are being sold.

Example: An After Effects template used to produce a TV commercial would only need the Regular License

Which license do I need to use an item in a film or broadcast TV (excluding ads)?

If the end product is a broadcast TV show or a movie, you need the Extended License.

Example: Even using an After Effects template on a TV show on a free-to-air channel requires an Extended License, because the end product is the show and that is being sold to the network.

Can I re-distribute an item? What about under an Extended License?

No. You can't license items and then make them available to others 'as-is' (that is, as a stand-alone item or as stock), regardless of which license you purchase.

Example: You can't buy a business card template and distribute it as a template, source files and all.

Can I purchase an Extended License for an item and use it within another item I plan to sell as stock?

Please see the Author Licensing FAQs for more info.

Can I use a template to create my printed end product and, without any further customizations, sell the product?

Yes. Some templates are designed to create a printed product and require little or no modification before use in the printed product. You will need an Extended License to sell the end product. Keep in mind that you should not sell the template itself.

Example: You purchase a greeting card template and get it printed on cards that you sell.

If I purchase an Extended License, do I get a multi-use, multi-domain, multi-client or developer license?

No. The Extended License is still limited to a single end product, but you can re-sell that product. Additionally our Video Media Licenses offer a multi-use option. See "Permitted Multi-Use" FAQ section for more details.

Does the Extended License allow me to create an app or service that generates customized versions of the file for users? Or can I sell multiple customizations of an item under an Extended License?

No. The Extended License only allows for a single end product. By allowing your users to download their own customized versions, you're allowing the item to be used in multiple end products. You could purchase a single license for each user that picks that template.

Example: You can't use a flyer template within an online flyer generator that allows users to include their information and download a customized flyer

Do you have a developer license? 

No. At this time we don't have a developer or multi-client license for themes and code items.

Example: You cannot buy a WordPress theme once and use it for more than one client

Answers: What is a single application?

What is a single application?

A single application means one unique end product (which can be copied and made available to end users of that product). The end product depends on the nature of the item - for an item like a logo template, the end product is the final, unique logo, which can be used in unlimited ways. The next few FAQs explain some situations where we consider allowed variations or a series of related uses to be a single application.

Most of our licenses are single application, however see the "Permitted Multi-Use" FAQ section for a few specific exceptions. Where multi-use is an available option, the single application FAQs here do not apply.

Example: A website theme can only be customized to create one customized website. If you want to create a second website from the same theme, you should purchase another license.

Do I need a separate license each time I use an item in a series?

No. You only need to purchase the item once per series.

What constitutes a series (eg TV series, webisodes, or a magazine with monthly editions)? 

To be considered a series, all things in the series (eg episode, edition) must be connected, and be released within 1 year of the first installment. There is also a maximum of 52 episodes or editions within the series.

Example: A 12 episode TV series that starts in December and ends in July would only require a single license. A YouTube series that releases an episode every week (52 total) would only need to purchase a license once every year. A magazine that releases an edition every other month would need to purchase a license once every year.

What are allowed variations of a single application?

In addition to a series, allowed variations of an end product that are still considered a single application include:

  • Translations - the same end product simply translated into a different language (e.g. alternate text or alternate voiceover)

  • Cut-downs - a shortened version of an end product where no new content has been added (e.g. a 15 second "teaser" version of a film trailer)

  • Tag changes - minor revisions to text or content (e.g. changing "Coming Soon" to "Now Showing")

I am doing an ad campaign with several variations on the same ad. Do I need a new license for each ad variation?

You should purchase 1 license for each substantially different ad.

Example: If you have 3 identical ads with just minor text changes, just one license is fine. If you use a single template to create ads for 3 different products/services, you should purchase 3 separate licenses.

Can I use a tool (brush, font etc) to create different end products?

Yes. Anything considered a tool uses the Tools License and can be used, by one person, an unlimited number of times on an unlimited number of end products. For more information see the FAQ "What does the Tools License allow me to do?"

Example: You could purchase a Photoshop action and apply it to every photo you ever take.

My end product will be distributed via multiple mediums. Do I need one license for each medium?

No. As long as it's all the same end product, you can distribute it via different mediums without having to purchase new licenses.

Example: With a single license, you could play your commercial online and on TV.

Are item "packs/bundles" still limited to a single end product?

Each item within the "pack/bundle" (multiple existing marketplace items grouped together and sold as a new unique item) essentially gets its own license. Meaning each item can be used on a maximum of one end product.

Example: If you purchase a pack of 10 music items, you could use each song to create a different video

Answers: What is not a single application?

Can I use the item in different end products? What about if I buy an Extended License?

No. Items purchased from ABIII Visuals LLC are limited to a single end product. Additionally our Video Media Licenses offer a multi-use option, see the "Permitted multi-use" section below for more details.

Answers: Permitted multi-use

Can I use a Photo item in different end products?

Yes. You can use a Photo item in different end products. Our Photo Regular License is a multi-use license, but is subject to a reproduction limit. See the Photo FAQs for more information on reproduction limits and multi-use.

What does the Tools License allow me to do?

For a tool, such as a font or Photoshop brush, you are allowed to install the tool on up to 2 computers and use it yourself. You can then create many different end products using the tool. The tool itself is not to be re-distributed. For full details see the Tools License.

Does the Extended License allow multiple use of the item?

No. Please see the FAQ "If I purchase an Extended License, do I get a multi-use, multi-domain, multi-client or developer license?" for more info.

What if there is a Multi-Use option available in the purchase box?

Certain items offer both a single use as well as a multi-use license to choose from. Where available, purchasing the multi-use option allows multiple use of the item. The multi-use option is currently only available for our SFX License and Video Media License. Please see those specific license terms for more details.

Am I allowed to use an item in an "on demand", "made to order" or "build it yourself" product or service (e.g. online video or animation rendering services, "create your own" slideshow apps, e-card generators)?

No, not even with a multi-use license. You can only use an item in this way if you purchase a separate single-use license for each final customized product that is created by a customer.

Answers: Company usage

Can multiple people within my company have access to the item?

Yes. If you purchased a single-use license, access should only be given to people working on the single end product incorporating that item.

Example: You could give all of your designers and developers access to the same website template so they can all work on your website

Can I store the item on an intranet so everyone has access?

No, items must be stored in a location where only those who need them have access. If you purchased a single-use license, once the item has been used in a single end product, the only place you should store it is in the archive files for that end product.